Vr Mapping




Delete Crossing Lines (DelCroLin)

Type: Batch Application


Deletes or re-layers lines (target lines) that cross other lines (source lines) in single or multiple VrOne files.

Detailed Description

Searches for lines in target layers and determines if these lines cross the lines in source layers. Options include the ability to check target lines for closure, meaning they are closed polygons. If this option is selected then source lines that are located within the closed target line without crossing it will be deleted or re-layered.


Layers that are turned off will not be considered even if specified.  Delete Crossing Lines supports undo.


DeleteCrossLines02   DeleteCrossLines03

Before and after running Delete Crossing Lines


Available Key-ins





Load parameter file

Delete Crossing Lines parameter file name (.dxl)


Run Delete Crossing Lines


Parameters for Delete Crossing Lines


Workspaces to consider

Defines the workspaces to consider.

Source layers (Num Line)

Defines the source line layers.  Target lines that fall within the user defined search criteria from these source lines will be deleted or re-layers.  This may be entered as a number line.  Layers that are turned off will not be considered even if specified.

Target layers (Num Line)

Defines the target line layers.  Lines in these layers that fall within the user defined search criteria of source lines will be deleted or re-layered.  This may be entered as a number line.  Layers that are turned off will not be considered even if specified.

New layer (1-32001 0=delete)

Defines a new layer for target lines that meet the user defined search criteria.  Entering a layer number of zero will delete these target lines.

Search mode for closed target lines

Options include "Don't search for non-crossing lines" and "Search for non-crossing lines".

If a target line is closed, then it's possible that there could be source lines within the target line that do not cross it. A setting of 'Search for non-crossing lines' will delete or re-layer these lines.


Below is shown examples of the use of the two options. In theses examples, the cyan line which is a closed polygon is the target line and the purple triangles are four point lines that are in the source layers. A closed line, or closed polygon is a Vr line with more than two points (vertices) in which the first point is at the same coordinate position as the last point on the line.


Original lines before running Delete Crossing Lines



Result of Delete Crossing Lines using the "Search for non-crossing lines" option.



Result of Delete Crossing Lines using the "Don't search for non-crossing lines" option.


Delete Crossing Lines (DelCroLin)

- Added  January 2024 - Version 07.01.23