Drape (Drape) Type: Batch Application
Drapes entities along the ground Z axis onto the existing entity data. Detailed Description Searches for entities within layers specified and drapes over existing DTM surface and/or the intersections of lines or onto VrPoints (LiDAR).
Some of the draping options include:
To Drape Entities onto the DTM Surface:
The DTM does not need to be active if only intersecting lines to other lines in the file(s) or if draping to VrPoints.
Layers that are turned off will not be considered when searching. Parameters for Drape Workspaces to consider Defines the workspaces to consider when running Drape. Layers to search Defines the layers that are to be searched to be draped against the current DTM surface or other lines. A number line may be used to define the layers. Drape line mode Defines the mode to use when draping lines. The modes are as follows:
Add wall lines? If the Entity drape action is set to “Duplicate”, it is possible to draw lines that represent the wall between the original entity and the new draped entity. It is also possible to place the walls defined by the original and draped polygons as closed polygons. This parameter has the following options:
Wall lines layer Specifies the layer into which to place wall lines. Search distance from lines Specifies the search distance from lines when draping lines to VrPoints. This parameter will be used when "Drape line mode" is set to "Drape line points to VrPoints and add breaks" or "Drape line points to VrPoints". The search distance is entered in ground units. Z tube radius When a line is draped to VrPoints and breaks are added, an optional line filter may be run on the lines. This filter is based on a Z tube filter and reduces the number of points on the resulting line. Sequential line points that fall within this Z tube distance will be filtered. This parameter is entered in ground units. An entry of zero will turn off line filtering. Maximum line point spacing This parameter is used during line filtering when lines are draped to VrPoints and breaks are added. The maximum point spacing specifies that one or more points will exist on the filtered line within this distance along the line. This parameter is entered in ground units. Drape lines layer offset When assigning a layer to the draped lines, this offset will be added to the original layer. Layer to intersect lines If the Drape line mode is set to intersect lines then this parameter specifies the layers to intersect to. For example if the roads were to be draped to the contour lines then the layers containing contour lines would be specified here. Drape symbol mode Defines the mode when draping symbols. Options are:
Search radius from symbols If the "Drape symbol mode" is set to "Drape symbols to VrPoints", this parameter specifies the radius from a symbol's xy coordinates to search for VrPoints. This parameter is entered in ground units. Drape VrPoints to DTM? Specifies whether VrPoints will be draped onto the DTM surface. Drape text to DTM? Specifies whether text labels will be draped onto the DTM surface. Save layer of intersected line? When a line is intersected to another line, the source line's layer is saved in the target line point's M flag if this parameter is checked. This layer number can be used by another application, such as a translator, to assign these intersected points to items such as cross section point codes. Entity drape action Lines that are draped may be moved or copied and this action is specified by this parameter. Options are:
Elevation operator When a line, symbol, VrPoint or text label is draped, a drape elevation is computed. This elevation is based on the target surface which is either the DTM surface, other lines in the file, or an elevation from VrPoints. Normally, the entity to be draped is placed on this surface, which is an elevation operator of equal. It is possible to add or subtract the draped elevation from the original elevation. This is useful when applying a delta surface to existing entities. Options are:
Create drive file? Specifies whether a drive file containing points that could not be draped will be created or appended. Append to drive file? If checked and a drive file exists, it will be appended with points that could not be draped. High/Low search parameters When draping line points or symbols, the High/Low search parameters are used to determine elevations. See High/Low Point Search for more information. Load parameters Loads previously recorded Drape parameters from a user defined (.dra) file name. Record parameters Records the current Drape parameters to a user defined (.dra) file name. Reset parameters Resets the Drape parameters to default values. Help Displays this help page. Available Key-ins