Insert Parallel Line (InsPar) Type: Interactive Application
Places a parallel line from a user-defined baseline. The distance from the base line may be specified by a digitized point or an entered offset distance. The elevation difference from the base line or previous line may also be specified. Parameters for the new line may be obtained from the base line or a user-defined Function Key. Local Commands
PARAMETERS Parameter Mode (ParMod) Specifies the location of the line parameters for the new offset line. Entering 0 copies the line parameters from the baseline. Entering 1 copies the line parameters from the specified function key. If the function key does not exist, parameters from the base line are used. Offset Distance (Off) Defines offset distance in ground units to place the new line from the base line. If this parameter is entered from a dialog box by pressing "Enter Offset", the line is placed immediately. If this parameter is entered from a key-in (i.e. OFF=12.5), it is used only as a default. Z Offset Mode (ZOffMod) Specifies the mode by which Z Offset is determined, either user-defined or computed from the base line to the digitized point. Z Offset Distance (ZOff) Defines the vertical distance by which to offset each new line from the base line or the previous line. If the parallel is repeated using button 3, the vertical offset accumulates. This makes it possible to parallel items such as steps. Fkey Name (Fkey) Specifies the function key whose parameters are used for the new line. Note that the Parameter Mode must be set to 1 for the function key to be used. If Insert Parallel Line is started from a function key, this parameter is automatically set to the function key name. Button Assignments Ins Par Line - Lockon
Ins Par Line – Offset