Insert Text (InsTex) Type: Interactive Application
Places text labels. Detailed Description Places text interactively or from another Function Key. When used interactively, a rich set of options enable precise text placement in most situations. When run from another Function Key, options allow the application to be started and a text label to be placed without user intervention. Text labels are typed in using a dialog box, keyed-in from the key-in area, or drawn from a text file.
Curved Text It is possible to place text along an existing VrOne line (base line) as “curved text”. In this mode, each text character will be placed as a single entity. The “Place Curved Text” mode is turned on the “Curved Text Search Distance” is set to enable this feature. The curved text direction and character rotations will be based on the direction of the base line. If the display North is up and a line is increasing from right to left then the text will be upside down in reference to the viewer. Lines in layers that are turned off will not be considered when searching for lines along which to curve text. Curved text can be offset from the baseline. Local Commands
NOTE: Each time Insert Symbol saves a symbol, it stores the location of the symbol as the saved coordinate. The saved coordinate may be used here as the last elevation for the Z Mode parameter or the last coordinate for the Digitize Last command. Set Current Text Label (=) Sets the current text label. This is a shortcut for the Txt= key-in. The two following key-ins have the same meaning: =This is text Txt=This is text Size (Size=) Sets both the text height and the text width to the size specified. Offset X, Offset Y, Offset Z (OfsX=, OfsY= OfsZ=) Places the text the distance specified in inches or millimeters from the digitized point. These parameters are often used to place text next to another object, like a symbol. Snap Mode (SnaMod=) Specifies the coordinate axis to get when snapping. If the Snap Mode were set to “Get elevation only” then it would be possible to snap to an existing symbol and retrieve its elevation only. This can be used to place the elevation of a spot elevation ‘X’. Z Mode (ZMod=) Defines the source of the elevation for the text label. Elevation can be set to the current elevation (0) or to the elevation of the last symbol placed (1). Copy Z (CopZ=) Determines whether the text entity's elevation is copied to the text label. This is necessary when labeling spot elevations. Decimal Accuracy (DecAcc=) Specifies the number of places to the right of the decimal point that are included in an elevation level if Copy Z is enabled. Prompt Mode (ProMod=) Specifies whether Insert Text prompts for a new text label when the function is called and after each label is saved. Increment Value (IncVal=) If the current text label is a numeric value, specifies a value to add to it each time it is saved. This is useful when labeling items that are sequential numbers. Increment Value may be an integer or double precision number. A value of zero turns this feature off. Place Curved Text (CurTex=) Turns the curve text placement mode on or off. If this mode is on and the digitized text location is within the “Curved text search distance” (see below) of an existing line, the text will be placed along that line. Each text character will be placed as a single entity. Curved Text Search Distance (CurDis=) Specifies in ground units the line attach search distance to existing lines when placing curved text along an existing line. See “Place Curved Text” above. Curved Text Offset Distance (CurOff=) Specifies the distance to offset curved text from the base line. A negative number will offset the text to the left of the base line and a positive number will offset the text to the right. This parameter is entered in Prompting Units which is inches or millimeters (in|mm). Run Once (RunOnce=) Specifies whether Insert Line will exit after a text label has been placed. Setting RUNONCE to 1 is the same as placing the Pop command as the On-end command in a function key that starts Insert Line. For consistency, the Pop command should be used instead of this parameter. Digitize Last (DigLast) Places the current text label at the saved coordinate position. This command is used when a symbol function key calls Insert Text and places a text label without any user intervention. Text Rotations Rotates text in degrees counterclockwise, with the X-axis representing 0ͦ as shown below.
Text rotations Text Justifications VrOne supports ten text label justifications.
Ten supported Text Justifications Button Assignments Ins Text – Main
Ins Text – Rot
Ins Text – Expand
Ins Text – Just
Ins Text – File It is possible to obtain text labels from a text file. This is useful when labeling items such as coordinate lists.