Interpolate Contours (IntCon) Type: Interactive Application
Interpolates contours between two existing contours. Detailed Description Interpolates the required contour lines between two existing contour lines. The lines to be used are user-identified along with the start and stop contour limits. A user-defined contour interval determines the number of contour lines to create. The elevations of the new contour lines are automatically assigned.
Local Commands
Contour Interval (ConInt=) Defines the contour interval, which will determine the number of contours to be placed between the user-defined contours. Layer Mode (LayMod=) Determines how the layer into which to place new contour lines is chosen. "0" uses the layer of the first user-defined contour line; "1" uses the "New Layer" specification. New Layer (NewLay=) Defines the layer into which to place new contour lines. This parameter is used if the Layer Mode (LAYMOD=) is set to 1. Smoothing Mode (SmoMod=) Defines the smoothing mode as follows:
B-Spline Increment (BSPIncB=) Defines the smoothness when creating a B-Splined line. This parameter is from 1 to 10 and 4 or 5 is recommended. This parameter is a multiplier for the number of points placed on the new line. For example, if the original, unsmoothed line has 100 points and this parameter is 4, then the new line will consist of 400 points. Button Assignments Interp Cont – Id 1-2
Interp Cont – Id Start - Stop
Interp Cont – Confirm