Node Lines (NodLin) Type: Interactive Application
Nodes lines together. Detailed Description Interactively nodes two lines at their intersect points. The two lines to be noded are identified by the user. The user can simply place node points on each line or node the lines and break the lines at the intersect points. The elevations of the node points are interpolated based on the slope of the point in front and behind the node points. Z Rules may be applied to the node points.
A batch version of this application is available. See Batch Node (BatNod). Local Commands
Parameters Break Mode (BREMOD=) Specifies the break mode when two lines are nodded. Options are “Node only”, in which a node point is placed on each line at the intersection, and “Break and node”, in which the lines are broken at the intersection. Z Rule (ZRUL=) Specifies the rule to be used during computation of the elevation at the intersection of the two lines. During noding, an elevation for each line is computed at the break point. These elevations are based on the slope of the line segment as determined by the point before and after the break point. The Z Rule determines the action to be taken on these two elevations as follows: Original elevations – The elevations of the break points is not modified. Mean node elevations – The elevations are averaged and stored for both node points. Elevation from line 1 – The elevation from the node point on line 1 is used on both lines. Elevation from line 2 – The elevation from the node point on line 2 is used on both lines. Button Assignments Node Lines – Id 1
Node Lines – Id 2
Node Lines – Confirm After the second line is identified, the lines are displayed. No noding is performed until the two lines are accepted.