DSFL Out (DsfOut)
Type: Translator
Translates VrOne file(s) to DSFL formatted files.
The DSFL format is widely used in Denmark for the exchange of Geographic Information (GIS) data between computer systems. The user should have some familiarity with the DSFL format before using the translator.
Although the VrOne database is not considered a GIS structured system, it maintains several non-graphic attributes in the entity headers to allow the storage and re-output of GIS type data.

Load Parameters
Loads previously recorded DSFL Out (.dso) parameter file.
Record Parameters
Records current translation parameters to DSFL Out (.dso) parameter file.
Allows editing general translation parameters.

Workspaces to consider
Defines the workspaces to consider for translation. Options are “All open”, in which all the open workspaces are translated, or “Current”, in which only the current Active Workspace is translated.
Translate multiple workspaces into
Multiple VrOne Workspaces may be translated into a single DSFL output file or a DSFL output file for each open workspace. If “Single file” is chosen, an output file may be specified. If “One file per workspace” is specified, each DSFL output file is given the same name as the VrOne file with a .dsf file name extension.
DSFL cross-reference file (.dsx)
A DSFL Cross-Reference file is used to cross-reference VrOne layer numbers to DSFL %KG and %U codes. This ASCII file must exist before the translation is started. If a VrOne layer is not defined in this file, user-defined default values will be used for the DSFL codes. An example of the format of the DSFL Cross-Reference follows:
** LINES **
1, 82, 125, SKILTEPORTAL
1, 17, 17, BUMP
3, 101, 520, VEJ BEFÆSTET
3, 102, 521, VEJ UBEFÆSTET
3, 14, 35, CYKELSTI(BY)
3, 16, 40, VEJMIDTE
** AREA **
4, 1, 10, BYGNING TAG
4, 31, 12, DRIVHUS
4, 312, 502, FOT-DRIVHUS
4, 52, 13, BYGNING SILO
1, 1, 21, STOPHANE
1, 725, 114, SIGNALSTANDER
1, 65, 14, PLAKATSØJLE
** TEXT **
131, 130, VEJNAVN
132, 131, HUSNUMMER
115, 132, Bygningsnummer
121, 135, STEDNAVN
51012, 137, Planfikspunkt tekst
Each section begins with two asterisks and the LINES and AREAS sections are considered lines in VrOne. The first two fields are the %KG and %U code; the third field is the VrOne layer number. The fourth field is the description field and is not used. The text area does not carry the same attributes as the lines, area and symbols areas and is not used. The default %KG and %U codes are used to translate VrOne text entities.
Output file name (.dsf)
Defines the DSFL file name to use as the output file name if the “Translate multiple workspaces into” option is set to “Single file".
Translate uncross-referenced layers?
Specifies whether layers that are not defined in the DSFL Cross-Reference file are translated using the default %KG and %U codes. Layers that are turned off will not be translated even if this parameter is set to Yes.
Default %KG, default %U codes for lines, symbols and text
Defines values to be used during translation iff a layer is not defined in the DSFL Cross-Reference file and “Translate uncross-referenced layer?” is set to "Yes". VrOne text entities will always use the default values when translating.
Plane coordinate system
Defines the DSFL plane coordinate system. The plane coordinate system should be defined as part of the mapping project. Options include SE4J, S34S, S45B, U32, U33, U32W, U33W and LOK. This parameter will be written to the DSFL file with the %H1 code.
Height coordinate system.
Defines the DSFL height coordinate system. The height coordinate system should be defined as part of the mapping project. This parameter will be written to the DSFL file with the %H2 code.
Map producer
Defines (in text) the producer of the mapping data. This parameter is written to the DSFL file with the %H11 code.
Map client
Defines (in text) the client of the mapping data. This parameter is written to the DSFL file with the %H21 code.
Add Missing Layers
Searches VrOne file(s) and adds missing layers to the DSFL Cross-Reference file. The %KG and %U codes are set to the default codes defined in Parameters. Layers that are turned off will not be added.
Translates VrOne files into DSFL files.
Displays this page.
Quits DSFL Out and gives an option to save the current parameters if they have been changed.

DSFL Attributes and the VrOne file
Several DSFL non-graphic attributes are stored in the VrOne entities' headers. These values may be set during collection in VrOne or may be translated using DSFL In and will be translated to the DSFL output file with the DSFL Out translator.
%N Record
DSFL In reads this code and stores its value in the VrOne Non-Graphic Pointer. During collection, the Non-Graphic Pointer may be conditioned and DSFL Out will translate this field into a %N record in the DSFL output file.
%D Record
DSFL reads this code and stores up to six pairs in the VrOne Feature Code in the entity header. DSFL Out writes the %D record with these values. These values may be set during collection and DSFL Out will translate the Feature Code into a %D record in the DSFL output file. The format for the storage of the attribute records is:
D Id Arg Id Arg Id Arg Id Arg Id Arg Id Arg
Id - The attribute ID
Arg - The attribute argument
For example: The DSFL attribute records of:
%D8901 9905
%D8834 USPEC
Would be stored in the VrOne Feature Code as:
D 8901 9905 8834 USPEC
Where the first character (D) indicates the Feature Code contains attributes.
%F4KR Record – Cutouts
DSFL Line and Area entities may follow with cutout lines or areas. These are stored in the Link header field in VrOne. Each cutout is considered the child of a parent (base) line. The parent line is coded with a unique number from 1 to 2,147483,648 and is always positive. Cutouts or children are coded with the same number as the parent but are stored as a negative number. These values may be set during collection and DSFL Out will translate the parent lines and child cutouts into the %F1 and %F4 DSFL records in the DSFL output file. For example the following building may stored in the VrOne Link header field as:
