Global Change (Glob) Type: Batch Application
Globally changes lines, symbols, text and VrPoints in single and multiple workspaces.
Detailed Description With Global Change it is possible to setup up 'search for' and a 'change to' criteria for modifying the VrOne database such as:
Look for all the lines in symbols in layers 1 through 10 or 23 or 24 that are circles and have a radius between 10 and 23 ground units. The non-graphic point, link and rotation may be any value. When an entity is found move it to layer 55 and multiply its radius by 2. Do not change its graphic pointer or any other attribute.
Global Change offers six argument formats to make the task of searching for and changing VrOne entities very powerful. For example, it is possible to search for text that is rotated between 10 and 20 degrees with a range argument and then add 5 degrees to the existing text rotations using the operator argument.
For an explanation of the fields when changing Points, please see click here.
Pass This is the current pass number. There may be up to 60 passes. Change Defines the entity type to change for the current pass. Options are Line, Symbol and Text. Clicking the Line, Symbol or Text tabs have the same effect. NOTE: Only one of the three entity types (Line, Symbol, Text) may be changed for each pass. Pass On/Off Defines the mode of the current pass as On or Off. Workspaces to consider Specifies whether global change can operate only on the current workspace or on all open workspaces. Load Parameters Loads a previously recorded parameter file and changes them to the current Global Change parameters. Record Parameters Records the current Global Change parameters. Id Search For Allows the identification of an existing entity in the active VrOne workspace and places those entity parameters in the SEARCH FOR parameters. Id Change To Allows the identification of an existing entity in the active VrOne workspace and places those entity parameters in the CHANGE TO parameters. SEARCH FOR These entity parameters will be searched for the current VrOne workspace(s). (See Arguments for Entity Parameters) CHANGE TO When entities are found that match the SEARCH FOR criteria they will be changed to these entity parameters. (See Arguments for Entity Parameters) Global Change allows seven types of argument formats to make the searching and changing of data easier and more powerful. Not all argument types may be used in all cases. Single Number A single number which may represent an integer or real number.
Example: 23 Number line A range of numbers normally used to specify a group of layers. A number line may consist of a group of numbers or a range of numbers. A comma separates each number or range of numbers. The number line is used only for searching.
Example: 1-10,23,25
In the above example the group of numbers specified would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,23 and 25. Range Specifies a range from a minimum number to (and including) a maximum number. This argument is normally used to specify real number ranges for items such as symbol radius or text height. The range argument is used only for searching.
Example: 10.0>23.5
The above example would specify a number from 10 to 23.5. Operator Specifies a value and operation to be applied to an existing value. The operator argument is used only during the changing of an entity. Valid operator argument operations are:
Example: SROT 20.0+
The above example would add 20 degrees to the existing symbol rotation. Wildcard The meaning of a wild card depends on where it is used. When used in the SEARCH FOR area it means all values for that field. When used in the CHANGE TO area it means do not change the existing value.
Example: * Text The text argument is used only when searching for or changing VrOne text entities and Feature Codes.
Example: This is some text Units Specifies the units of the value at target scale. The units argument is only valid for symbol radius and text width/height values and should always follow the value itself. Valid units arguments are:
Symbol change example: Search radius: 0.2in, Change radius: 0.4in
The above example would find all symbols with a radius of 0.2 inches at the target scale of the workspace and change them to 0.4 inches at the target scale of the workspace. So if the target scale is set to 1:1200 and the units for the file are feet, then it would search for symbols with a radius of 200 and change them to a radius of 400. The same parameters applied to a file with a target scale of 1:600 would search for symbols with radius of 100 and change them to a radius of 200.
Symbol change example: Search radius: 0.1pr, Change radius: 2.5
The above example would find all symbols with a radius of 0.1 in the configured prompt units and at the target scale of the workspace, and change them to 2.5 ground units. Arguments for Entity Parameters Following is the list of available fields and the argument formats that may be used.
Range: 1 to 10,001
Range: 1, 2
Range: 1-60
Range: -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647
Range: -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647
Range: Up to 48 characters
Range: 0 or 1
Range: 0-255
Range: Real number 0.0 to 360.0 degrees
Range: Real number in ground units
Range: 1-12
Range: 1 to 4
Range: 1 to 3
Range: Real number in user units.
Range: Real number in user units.
Range: Real number 0-360 degrees.
Range: Real number -180-180 degrees.
Range: Up to 512 characters