Vr Mapping




Grid Line (GriLin)

Type: Interactive/Batch Application


Grids existing line(s).

Detailed Description

Grids existing line(s) by placing points on line or placing symbols along the line grid points.  Points may be placed by linear distance from the start of the line or in distance in X or Y in the coordinate system.  Original points on the lines may be deleted (except for the first and last points) or may be left unchanged when gridding the line(s).


Options for the assignment of elevations for the line points or symbols include:

The interpolation of the elevation based on the points before and after each new point (when inserting line points)
The use of the current Z Source
The draping of the line points or symbols onto a point cloud (LiDAR) with the use of the High/Low Point Search feature.


An optional Duplicate Point Distance may be set to keep new points from being placed too close to existing line points.  Lines may also be gridded based on a user defined baseline. See Grid From Baseline for more information.


Grid line may be run interactively on single lines identified by the user or may be run in layer mode in which the lines in a user defined layer or layer(s) are gridded.



Line before gridding



Line after gridding with High/Low Z interpolation option

Button Assignments


Grid Line Menu Keys





Id Line

Interactive mode - Identifies a single line to be gridded.


Grid layer

Interactive batch mode - Allows Grid Line to be run on a layer or group of layers. (see Parameters)


Id baseline

Identifies a baseline to be used if the Grid Mode is set to "Grid from baseline" (see Grid From Baseline for more information)







Enter params

Enter/edit Grid Line parameters (see Parameters)











Ends application


The following parameters are used when gridding line in interactive and batch modes (layer mode).  Pressing button 7 allows the entry of these parameters.



Grid distance

Defines the gridding distance. This parameter is entered in ground units.

Insert mode

Defines the action to be taken on the existing line points.

Insert points on line - Don’t delete any existing points

The original points on the line are left unmodified

Insert points on line - Delete original points except end points

Original points on the line are deleted except the first and last point

Insert points on line - Delete all original points

All original points are deleted. The only points left on the line are the points inserted by this application.

Insert symbols on line

Inserts symbols on the line grid points

Insert symbols on line and line endpoints

Inserts symbols on the line grid points and on the line endpoints

Grid mode

Defines the point insertion mode.

Grid linear along line

Points are inserted linearly along the line starting from the first point on the line

Grid on coordinate system X

Points are inserted on the coordinate system X

Grid on coordinate system Y

Points are inserted on the coordinate system Y

Grid linear along each line segment

Points are inserted linearly along each line segment starting at the beginning of each line segment

Grid from baseline

Uses a user defined baseline to compute grid points

Duplicate point distance (0=none)

Duplicate Distance. New points that are within this distance of an existing line point will be considered duplicate and will not be placed on the line.  This parameter is entered in ground units.  A value of zero disables the use of this parameter when inserting points on the line.

Elevation mode

The Elevation Mode determines the method of interpolating the elevation of new line points or symbols that are created.


Interpolate elevation from the point before and after the new point

Use Z source

Interpolate elevation from existing points if Z Source is not set to Active Surface. Interpolate from active surface if Z Source is set to Active Surface.  See Z Source for more information.

Use High/Low search

Use the current High/Low settings to set the elevation and (or) the xy coordinates.  See High/Low Point Search for more information.


The following parameters are used when gridding lines in a layer or layers. This menu is displayed when the "Grid layer" (button 2) is pressed.  Gridding the lines in a layer or a group of layers is running Grid Lines in the interactive/batch or layer mode.



Grid Layer dialog

Layer of lines to grid

Defines the layers to search when gridding lines. A number line may be entered here.

Workspaces to consider

The current workspace or all open workspaces may be searched when gridding lines.


NOTE: Lines in layers that are turned off will not be considered even if they are specified.

Local Commands

The Grid Line parameters may be set using key-ins.  This allows macros to set parameters and run Grid Line in layer mode.





Defines the gridding distance

Real number - Ground units


Defines the action to be taken on the existing line points

0 = Insert points on line - Don’t delete any existing points

1 = Insert points on line - Delete original points except end points

2 = Insert points on line - Delete all original points

3 = Insert symbols on line points

4 = Insert symbols on line points and on line endpoints


0 = Grid linear along line

1 = Grid on coordinate system X

2 = Grid on coordinate system Y

3 = Points are inserted linearly along each line segment

4 = Grid from user defined base line


Duplicate point distance.  New points that are within this distance of an existing line point will be considered duplicate and will not be placed on the line.

Real number - Ground units


Elevation mode.


1=Use Z Source

2=Use High/Low search


Layers to search for lines to grid when running in layer mode.

Number line


Workspaces to consider when running in layer mode.

0=Current 1=All


Run Grid Lines in layer mode

Symbol Parameters





Layer number



Graphic pointer



Pen number



Construction flag



Non graphic pointer

32 bit


Link number

32 bit


Feature code

48 characters


Symbol radius

Inches | Mm


Symbol rotation

0-360 degrees

High/Low Search Parameters

Please see High/Low Point Search for the setting of the High/Low search parameters using key-ins.

Grid from Baseline

Intersection lines are projected perpendicular to the base lines at user defined intervals to intersect the lines to be gridded. After a base line has been identified, each line to be gridded is then identified.  The three examples show the gridding from a baseline process.


The "Grid mode" must be set to "Grid from baseline" to grid from a baseline.  The baseline is identified using "Id baseline" (button 3).  A new baseline may be identified at any time.   The example graphics window below shows the baseline as the green line and the lines to be gridded as the red lines.



Baseline (green) and lines to be gridded from the baseline (red)


After a baseline has been identified, each line to be gridded is identified using "Id line" (button 1).  In the graphics window example below, the projected lines from the base line are shown in cyan.  The spacing of the projected lines along the baseline is determined by the "Grid distance" parameter.  The projection lines are show here as an example but are not shown when running Grid Line.



Projection lines (cyan) are show computed from the baseline


The resulting grid points are shown in the graphics window example below as crosses.  The "Grid distance", "Insert mode", "Duplicate point distance", and "Elevation mode" settings are used when placing the intersecting points on the lines that are gridded.  The line points may be shown in VrOne by checking "Display line points?" under Environment -> Set Display Parameters or with the Set Display (SetDis) command.



Resulting grid points (red crosses)


Grid from baseline was added in version 05.07.29t - April 2016