Point Set Z (PoiSetZ) Type: Interactive - Display Management
When the Point Z Slice filter is active only points that fall within the elevation range are displayed. This filter is useful when some of the point data -- like decks, tunnels, and areas of tree cover -- obscure other data. The Z Slice filter may be turned on/off with the check box. The following is an example of a Z Slice applied to an overpass area in which LiDAR data was collected on a highway overpass and on the roadway under it. By using the Z Slice filter, either the overpass or the roadway may be isolated for viewing and data collection.
Overpass area with all data displayed
Overpass area with Z Slice showing roadway without bridge deck
Overpass area with Z Slice showing bridge deck without road
The Z Slice is defined as a base elevation (Base Z) and an elevation range (Range Z). The Z Slice is computed by subtracting the Range Z from the Base Z for the lower elevation and by adding the Range Z to the Base Z for the upper elevation.
Points with an elevation in the Z Slice range will be displayed if the point passes other active point filters also.
The Z Slice parameters may also be set in Point Display (PoiDis). Local Commands
Button Assignments Point Set Z