Vr Mapping




Vr Licensing




The following information describes the licensing for Vr Mapping version 6 and above. Licensing methods and obtaining a license file are also discussed.


Choosing A Licensing Method

The License File

Obtaining A License File

Finding the ComputerName and HostId on Windows 10

Finding the ComputerName and HostId on Windows 7

Choosing A Licensing Method

There are two licensing options available for Vr Mapping.


Cloud-based floating license (recommended)
A number of licenses for multiple Vr Mapping programs are shared among a larger number of computers. In this configuration, the license server is on the cloud and accessed via an internet connection thus allowing licenses to "float". Vr Mapping can run on any computer with an internet connection.
The cloud server does not run on a Cardinal Systems server but is maintained by a company specializing in cloud-based solutions for hosting license servers. The cloud-based floating license configuration is a good solution for companies that have multiple locations and/or situations where users work remotely or from home. A single license (.lic) file is provided and is placed in the license folder (typically C:\vr\license) of each computer with the Vr Mapping software.
A customer portal is available when using the Cloud-based floating license method. License usage may be monitored which details the use of each licensed product including the user and computer name. The status of the server may be viewed along with the ability to restart the server. Log files may be viewed and downloaded. Login information will be provided when the license file is delivered.
The cloud-based floating license configuration is "always on" and requires almost no user setup or maintenance. This is the easiest licensing method available.
Node-locked license
One license is issued for each single computer. There is no sharing of multiple licenses with the node-locked license configuration. This configuration is the least versatile of the two licensing methods. In cases where an off-line or temporary license is  needed, the node-locked license configuration works well.  The license (.lic) file is placed in the license folder (typically C:\vr\license).

The License File

Cardinal Systems will provide a license (.lic) file that is placed in the license folder. This folder is typically c:\vr\license.  The license file is a text file however, do not change the contents of the license file. Changing any contents, even a single character, in the license file will render it unusable.


The license (.lic) file contains the needed license information when using local-based licensing or node-locked licensing. When using the cloud-based licensing, the license file contains communication information for the cloud-based server.


The License File Location

Cloud-based floating license - One license file is delivered and it is copied to the license folder of each computer running the Vr Mapping software. The license folder is typically C:\vr\license.
Node-locked license - A license file will be delivered for each computer and this file is placed in the license folder. The license folder is typically C:\vr\license. Each license file is "locked" to a single computer and the name of the license file will contain the ComputerName that it is assigned to.

Obtaining A License File

In order for Cardinal Systems to provide a license file for local-based floating, or node-locked licensing, the computer's ComputerName and HostId must be sent to Cardinal System. This information may be sent to the Cardinal Systems support system via an email to vrsupport@cardinalsystems.net.

If using the cloud-based floating licensing option, Cardinal Systems does not need a ComputerName or HostId of any of the computers running the Vr Mapping software.
If using the node-locked option, the ComputerName and HostId for each computer running the Vr Mapping software are needed.

Finding the ComputerName and HostId on Windows 10

The ComputerName and HostId for a computer may be obtained using the methods described below.


Note: While the ComputerName remains the same, The HostId for Vr Mapping version 6 and above is different than previous versions.

Finding the ComputerName

Right click on the Start button (lower left corner of the desktop)
In the pop-up menu, click on System
Select About from the list on the left
The ComputerName is shown as the Device name



Device name   COMPUTER1

Finding the HostId

Right click on the Start button (lower left corner of the desktop)
In the pop-up menu, click on Command Prompt
In the Command Prompt window, type "ipconfig /all"
The HostId is on the "Physical Address" line



Physical Address. . . . . . . : DA-42-3E-8B-DE-44

Finding the ComputerName and HostId on Windows 7

Finding the ComputerName

Click on the Start button (lower left corner of the desktop)
Right click on Computer and then select Properties
The ComputerName is shown



Computer name: COMPUTER1

Finding the HostId

Click the Start button (lower left corner of the desktop)
In the "Search programs or file" box, type "cmd" to open a Command Prompt Window
In the Command Prompt window, type "ipconfig /all"
The HostId  is on the "Physical Address" line



Physical Address. . . . . . . : DA-42-3E-8B-DE-44


Revised: November 2022