Vr Mapping




VrTwo Orientation - Single Model Import of ISAT Measurements


Section 1 Project Setup

Section 2 Importing Orientations

Section 3 Verifying Orientations

Section 4 Opening Model in VrTwo


VrTwo Orientation creates stereo image pairs (or models) for viewing in VrTwo and VrLite. Stereo models may be generated manually or by importing the results from various aerial triangulation programs. Orientations may be performed on a single model or multiple models in a batch mode. Models may be imported from aerial triangulation using exterior orientations or the measurements used to tie images and strips together.



Requirements to Complete a Single Model Import of ISAT Measurements

1.Camera File - The camera file may either be imported or generated from a camera calibration report.
2.Ground Control  File - The ground control file contains points obtained from sources like ground surveys.
3.Images - Images are raw, unedited, unmodified image files.
4.Correct Image Overlap - The image overlap must be on inside of images or in ortho mode. Images may need to be rotated to fulfill this criterion. Image rotation should be done before Interior Orientations are performed. If image rotation is required, this task can be performed in batch using the Vr Image Utility program.



An example of photo overlap to the inside (ortho)

Section 1 Project Setup

Creating or Editing the Camera File

New Camera (NewCam)

Allows the user to create and edit a new camera calibration file. Prompts user for the new camera's file name. Camera files in Vr Mapping have the .cam file name extension. See Edit Camera below for information on editing a camera file. If a preexisting camera file exists, this feature may not be needed.

Creating the Camera File

From the "Camera" dropdown menu, click on either "New Camera" or "Edit Camera".


The Edit Camera dialog box

Creating or Editing a Control File

If one does not already exist, create a new coordinate file. From the "Coordinates" dropdown menu, click on "New Coordinate File". Please see VrTwo Orientation New Coordinate File for more information.




The Edit Control dialog box


If a control file exists and contains the PointName X Y Z fields, it can be used directly by Vr Mapping programs. Simply rename the file by replacing the file postfix with .cor. For example, if there were a coordinate file named TheCoords.txt which contained the PointName XYZ fields, it could be renamed TheCoords.cor and be used by VrTwo Orientation.


The following is an example of a contents of a coordinate file compatible with Vr Mapping:


201   837831.194130   951352.037020   303.8200

202   836399.079330   951266.642540   337.6800

203   837994.618340   950634.951710   299.6000

204   836711.670600   950565.198920   326.3200

205   836018.411470   950724.804370   309.2900


The first field is the point name followed by the X, Y and Z coordinates.

Creating or Editing the Project

The following steps create the project:


1.Create a New Project File -  From the "Project" dropdown window, click on either "New Project" or "Edit Project".
2.Add Coordinate File - Click the button to the right of the “Coordinates” box to add the coordinate file name.

The Edit Project dialog box prior with no parameters defined


3. Define Images - Click the "Define Images" button in the "Edit Project" dialog box. The "Edit Project - Define Images" dialog box allows the definition of multiple image files. Each image file has a Photo Name Format, which are parameters that define the strip and photo number from an image file name. Strip direction, pixel size and the "Open in Layout" flag may also be defined for each image. The top portion of the dialog box is a template of these parameters. This template may be copied to an image or a group of images by selecting the desired file(s) then pressing the "Apply" button.



The Edit Project - Define Images dialog box


The following are descriptions of the parameters in the "Edit Project - Define Images" dialog box:

Project Camera

Project cameras (.cam) are assigned to individual images. Up to 10 camera files may be defined.

Film Strip Location

Defines the direction flight. For more information please see VrTwo Orientation - Film Strip Direction.

Photo Pixel Size

The photo pixel size is in the same fiducial units (millimeters, inches, or pixels) defined by the Camera file. If this value is unknown, it can be computed after reading three points in Inner Orientation at the bottom left of the Interior Orientation window.

Add Photos

Adds images to the project.

Photo Name Format

Sets the parameters that define the strip and photo number from an image file name. For more Information please see VrTwo Orientation - Photo Name Format.


4. Create Model Names

Click "Add Model" to create a new model. Pressing this button allows a single model to be added to the list of models. After the model is added, the left and right images must be selected and the epipolar re-sampling image parameters must be set.

The Add Model dialog box


The Edit Project dialog box showing Model 1002-1001


Please see VrTwo Orientation - Project for more information.

Section 2 Importing Orientations

Part 1 Importing  ISAT Interior and Measurement Orientations

1.Select "Measurement Orientation - Single" from the "Import" dropdown menu. Click "ISAT Orientation".



The Import dialog box requesting the photo measurement file


2.Select the current location of the ISAT Photo file then press "OK".
3.Select the left and right photo names


The Import dialog box for the definition of the left and right images that make the single model


3. Check "Import interior orientation measurements?" to include the Interior Orientations in the import.

4. Click "OK" to start the import process.

5. When asked to create epipolar images, move this dialog box off to the side until the results of the import are reviewed.


This dialog box is used to start the epipolar re-sampling process

6. Review residuals for Interior, Relative and Absolute Orientation.

Dialog box showing the results after the Import process has completed.


Detailed results found in the results dialog box are shown below. The Total RMS values should be reviewed to verify that the import was successful. The following shows the results of the import of one model:


Import ImageStation ISAT Orientation


Left photo:  01-01

Right photo: 01-02



1  -0.0031  -0.0014

2   0.0079  -0.0045

3  -0.0013   0.0024

4   0.0043   0.0002

5  -0.0013  -0.0018

6  -0.0175   0.0034

7   0.0028   0.0013

8   0.0082   0.0003

Total RMS: 0.0063



1  -0.0078  -0.0041

2   0.0052  -0.0060

3  -0.0011   0.0063

4   0.0059   0.0021

5  -0.0038  -0.0034

6  -0.0234   0.0026

7   0.0096   0.0002

8   0.0155   0.0024

Total RMS: 0.0104


Left photo:  01-01 - 54 points

Right photo: 01-02 - 66 points



47 common points:

     Point    X Left    Y Left   X Right   Y Right   Residual

  21370307    76.838   -58.782   -12.314   -61.251      0.003

  21370297    85.825   -65.500    -3.302   -68.079      0.002

  21370317    83.828   -72.720    -5.238   -75.449     -0.001

  21370322    74.673   -66.273   -14.482   -68.898      0.000

  21419889   101.238   -97.322    13.071  -100.508     -0.006

  21370632    65.755   -78.462   -23.557   -81.364     -0.001

  21370720    26.827   -82.479   -63.209   -85.590      0.006

  21370731    23.507   -88.196   -66.359   -91.422      0.003

  21370828    -2.013   -69.690   -93.072   -72.640     -0.006

  21370829    11.326   -94.092   -78.615   -97.468      0.002

  21370830    11.604   -93.239   -78.348   -96.594     -0.001

  21370845    15.827   -85.375   -74.218   -88.572      0.008

  21370874    10.198   -79.657   -80.488   -82.770      0.004

  21371323    -9.193   -98.001  -100.043  -101.521     -0.007

  21420055   -19.133   -70.636  -110.413   -73.660     -0.003

  21420036    21.328   -99.691   -68.570  -103.161      0.005

  21370822    -1.640   -66.162   -92.843   -69.054      0.001

  21371192    -9.285   -70.099  -100.290   -73.082      0.000

  21371201   -17.042   -67.686  -108.466   -70.654     -0.001

  21371281   -13.107   -97.296  -103.930  -100.807     -0.010

  21420086   -10.797  -101.948  -101.661  -105.559      0.001

  21419400    91.047   -29.798     2.132   -31.637     -0.002

  21419398    72.444   -27.777   -16.808   -29.642     -0.012

  21419505    93.223    -5.438     4.274    -6.807     -0.005

  21419426    92.268    62.222     2.501    61.986      0.004

  21419442    84.237    73.560    -5.805    73.451      0.006

  21419552    95.450    66.551     5.779    66.399      0.006

  21419425    89.979    48.838     0.392    48.386     -0.005

  21420186    -6.042    -3.548   -97.488    -5.344      0.004

  21420293    19.608   -12.081   -70.677   -13.892     -0.002

  21420297    25.126    31.686   -64.865    30.626     -0.005

  21420481    38.477   -22.157   -51.118   -24.075      0.013

  21420504    29.273     7.850   -60.614     6.422     -0.000

  21420522    43.859    36.102   -46.476    35.200     -0.003

  21420190     0.187    51.721   -90.897    50.819      0.004

  21420197   -13.728    81.544  -105.063    80.980     -0.004

  21420211     2.223    69.050   -88.593    68.407     -0.000

  21420303    19.382    55.809   -71.152    55.068      0.007

  21420582    32.817    51.008   -57.818    50.275     -0.000

  21420632    45.044    66.938   -45.236    66.510      0.000

  21420219   -13.615    91.103  -104.906    90.653      0.006

  21420436    26.879   103.898   -64.110   103.883     -0.013

  21420784    89.093   -91.840     0.274   -94.964      0.006

  21420841    91.747    29.262     2.144    28.497     -0.010

  21420780    77.551    83.696   -12.886    83.704      0.001

  21420881   106.351    60.663    16.796    60.480      0.005

       314    91.421    18.120     2.028    17.154     -0.000

Total RMS error: 0.004



47 points for absolute


     Point          X          Y          Z

  21370307    0.09121   -0.15773   -0.02738

  21370297    0.47488    0.10994   -0.97399

  21370317   -0.04852   -0.21873    0.28873

  21370322    0.22286   -0.23109   -0.46047

  21419889    0.17087   -0.13348    0.20637

  21370632    0.24575   -0.16939   -0.42096

  21370720   -0.01601    0.05894    0.07782

  21370731    0.20960    0.01725   -0.32742

  21370828    0.02789   -0.01199   -0.04135

  21370829    0.31629   -0.01241   -0.41290

  21370830    0.09911    0.02299   -0.10681

  21370845    0.08229    0.05546   -0.11787

  21370874    0.29524    0.04906   -0.43645

  21371323   -0.27010    0.27783    0.41862

  21420055   -0.07321    0.16779    0.16120

  21420036    0.05955    0.09885   -0.02240

  21370822   -0.26718    0.30929    0.50870

  21371192   -0.24230    0.19606    0.42478

  21371201   -0.17005    0.15885    0.33385

  21371281   -0.14711    0.33623    0.30999

  21420086   -0.11624    0.20739    0.31634

  21419400   -0.01091   -0.13209    0.19414

  21419398   -0.06127   -0.03391   -0.04427

  21419505   -0.00556   -0.11936    0.16632

  21419426   -0.18176    0.06995   -0.15057

  21419442   -0.01296   -0.00932    0.07857

  21419552   -0.09587    0.04550   -0.04733

  21419425   -0.16139    0.05593   -0.17315

  21420186    0.02421   -0.00699   -0.28813

  21420293    0.00094    0.03051   -0.02242

  21420297    0.00251    0.02407   -0.01883

  21420481   -0.01819   -0.00449    0.10685

  21420504    0.00363    0.01906    0.03392

  21420522    0.02676   -0.01031    0.13852

  21420190   -0.06447   -0.01538   -0.27607

  21420197   -0.19395   -0.10707   -0.34161

  21420211   -0.09441   -0.01924   -0.24198

  21420303   -0.01282    0.02118   -0.07216

  21420582    0.02323    0.01540    0.06513

  21420632    0.04633   -0.00756    0.15262

  21420219   -0.21874   -0.11458   -0.29132

  21420436   -0.00565    0.01057    0.14462

  21420784    0.22987   -0.46300    0.04320

  21420841   -0.05226   -0.04525    0.03598

  21420780    0.09409   -0.09974    0.40686

  21420881    0.05460   -0.22477    0.52409

       314   -0.26077   -0.01019    0.17800

    Total:    0.11922    0.10034    0.22619

Total RMS: 0.29480


7. When the orientation results are acceptable, press the "OK button". Epipolar images will now be created from the results of the orientation. Epipolar images are rotation-removed, stereo-viewable images with a common scale. They make stereo viewing comfortable for the operator. The VrTwo Orientation main window will display status of the epipolar generation process on the bottom line. Epipolar results will be displayed in the same dialog that presented the Import RMS values



This dialog box is used to start the epipolar re-sampling process



VrTwo Orientation main window shown starting the epipolar process on image 10-02.tiff



Results of the epipolar process.

Section 3 Verifying Orientations (Optional)

1.Since measurements were imported, relative and absolute orientations may be viewed. To begin, select "Absolute Orientation" from the "Orientation" dropdown menu. This process can be used to verify the locations of the control, pass, and tie points in the Stereo Model. This process can also be used to visually inspect known ground control points for offset.
2.Click the first point in the results main window. To toggle roaming, press the Insert button on the keyboard.
3.To advance to the next point in orientation, press "Next point" (button 5). All visually identifiable ground control points can be verified using this method.



The VrTwo Orientation Absolute Orientation environment

Section 4 Opening Model in VrTwo

1.Start VrTwo.

2.Click File -> Open Model or use the Open Model (OpeMod) command. Navigate to the location of the project folder by double clicking in the far left hand box.

3.Double click the VrTwo Model (.vmo) file and press OK.



The Open Model dialog box


4 VrTwo will now generate pyramids for the epipolar images if they do not already exist.

5.Open a VrOne File by clicking on File -> Open Vr File or by using the Open VrOne File (OpeVr) command. Navigate to the project folder by double clicking in the far left hand box.

6. Double click the VrOne (.vr) file.

The stereo model should open. The stereo model and vectors should be seen on the screen. If the stereo window does not show a stereo image and vector,s try using the Drive Control (Cd) command. Typing "Cd 1" will drive to the first control point in the model. Please see the Getting started with VrOne/VrTwo tutorial, which covers basics of data collection and editing, for more information.



The VrTwo graphics window showing the stereo model (Anaglyph)