Vr Mapping




VrThree (VrLiDAR) Display Controls

The following operations are available for display control for the 3D VrThree display/collection environment.



Keyboard Key



Ctrl + Right Mouse

Centers the display in X, Y and Z at the current cursor location.



Resets the view position to top view, zoom all

Reset Top

Shift + Home

Resets the view position to top view at the current scale and at the current cursor location.

Reset Top X Axis

Ctrl + Home

Resets the view position to top view at the current scale holding the current rotation about the Z axis.


Shift + Left Mouse

Rotates the view about the current view origin.


Shift + Right Mouse

Spins the view about the current view origin.

Rotate  X +

Up Arrow

Rotates the view about the positive X axis.

Rotate  X + 45 degrees

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Rotates the view about the positive X axis in 45 degree increments.

Rotate  X -

Down Arrow

Rotates the view about the negative X axis.

Rotate  X - 45 degrees

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Rotates the view about the negative X axis in 45 degree increments.

Rotate  Y +

Left Arrow

Rotates the view about the positive Y axis.

Rotate  Y + 45 degrees

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Rotates the view about the positive Y axis in 45 degree increments.

Rotate  Y -

Right Arrow

Rotates the view about the negative Y axis.

Rotate  Y - 45 degrees

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Rotates the view about the negative Y axis in 45 degree increments

Rotate  Z +

Page Up

Rotates the view about the positive Z axis.

Rotate  Z + 45 degrees

Ctrl + Page Up

Rotates the view about the positive Z axis in 45 degree increments.

Rotate  Z -

Page Down

Rotates the view about the negative Z axis.

Rotate  Z - 45 degrees

Ctrl + Page Down

Rotates the view about the negative Z axis in 45 degree increments.

Look Back

Shift + Page Up

Spins the view 180 degrees.


Ctrl + Left Mouse

Drags the view.


Shift + Wheel

Zooms in/out.

Zoom 4x

Ctrl + Wheel

Zooms in/out 4x.

Cursor Drape/Free Motion


Toggles Cursor Draping (On= default).

Z Control


If Cursor Draping is off, the wheel will move the Z in the ground or view plane. Wheel sensitivity can be set with the Device Mouse (DevMou) command.

Fast Z Control

Shift + Ctrl + Wheel

If Cursor Draping is off, the wheel will quickly move the Z in the ground or view plane. Wheel sensitivity can be set with the Device Mouse (DevMou) command.

Toggle View Plane or Ground Plane Tracking

Ctrl + V

If Cursor Draping is off, the cursor can be tracked along the view or ground plane.  Typically, the ground plane is tracked and is the default.

Center on Digitize


Toggles automatic re-centering when a point is digitized (Instead of using Ctrl-RightMouse).

Adjust Clipping Plane

Ctrl + Alt – Wheel

Adjusts the far clipping plane. Hides objects that are further away from the view origin.

Exaggerate Z Display

Alt + Wheel

Exaggerates the display of the Z axis.

Toggle Roaming


Toggles roaming.

Toggle Display Decimation

Shift + D

Toggles point display decimation. When turned on, fewer points are displayed during rotating, dragging, and zooming.

Toggle Near/Far Clipping Planes

Alt + C

Toggles view clipping from the current 3D center using the existing near and far clip distances.  See Point Display (PoiDis)

Increment Near Clip

Alt + Up Arrow Key

Extends the near clip distance. See Point Display (PoiDis).

Decrement Near Clip

Alt + Down Arrow Key

Shortens the near clip distance. See Point Display (PoiDis).

Increment Far Clip

Alt + Page Up

Extends the far clip distance. See Point Display (PoiDis).

Decrement Far Clip

Alt + Page Down

Shortens the far clip distance. See Point Display (PoiDis).


The display application Window Clip View rotates the view in VrThree (VrLiDAR) along a user digitized base line (about the z axis) to the x display axis.


For more information about Point display filters, clipping planes and Point color parameters see Point Display (PoiDis).