Insert Squared Line (InsSqu) Type: Interactive Application
Inserts a line and squares the line to one of several parameters. Supports squared and un-squared segments and helps with hidden corner placement. Lines may be closed and squared or left open and squared. Detailed Description Line segments are rotated about their midpoints to the Square to Azimuth at 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees and re-intersected with the previous and next segments to square a polygon. Line segments greater than the Squaring Tolerance are not squared. Please note the example below is exaggerated.
Capabilities include:
See Insert Orthogonal Line (InsOrt) for an interactive application that inserts a squared polygon by observing line segments instead of polygon corners. See Insert Orthogonal Corner (InsOrc) for an interactive application that inserts a squared polygon by reading polygon corners.
During squaring conformation the following colors are used:
Sequential parallel line segments are removed before squaring. The squaring tolerance is used to determine parallel lines. Local Commands
PARAMETERS Square to Flag (Stf=) Specifies the azimuth to which to square the polygon. The available Square to flags are as follows: 0=Longest side 1=Use “Square to azimuth” 2=First side 3=Mean of all sides
NOTE: Flag 3 should NOT be used if there are unsquared sides on the polygon. Square to Azimuth (Azi=) The Square to Azimuth is the base azimuth to which all line segments are squared. Each line segment is rotated 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees from its midpoint to the Square to Azimuth. Line segments outside the Squaring Tolerance are left unsquared. Squaring Tolerance (Tol=) Defines the degree measure of a line segment's azimuth greater than which that line segment is left unsquared. Fkey Name (Fkey=) Specifies function key from which the new line inherits line parameters. Normally, a function key starts this application and this key-in is not needed. Attach Mode (AttMod=) Turns attach mode on/off. If attach in turned on and the first point read on a polygon is within the search distance of an existing line, attach will become active. Attach Distance (AttDis=) Defines in ground units the distance that the first point read on a polygon must be within to activate the attach mode. Attach Copy (AttCop=) Specifies whether the attached line will be closed by copying common points from the “attach to” line to the new line. Attach Mode (AttNod=) Specifies whether the “attach to” line will be noded with one or two points from the end of the new line. Attach Z Rule (AttZRu=) Specifies the Z Rule to use when attaching. Drive Option (DriOpt=) Specifies the drive action after a line has been squared. Button Assignments Ins Square - Main
Once a line is squared, the verify step determines the action to take on the squared and non-squared line
Hidden Corner The following sequence places a hidden hidden corner. The first button 1 press is read on the building corner. The next two button 1 presses are on the visible roof edge. A final button 5 press computes the hidden corner based on the three previous points.
Attach allows the new line to be attached, trimmed and squared to an existing line. Options include:
To enable attach, the Attach Mode must be turned on (AttMod=1). If the first point read is within the search distance of an existing line, the attach mode is activated. The line segment of the “Attach to” line closest to the first point will be used to as the “Square to” azimuth for the new line.
NOTE: The last point must be a button 4 (End line) to attach the new line.
Example 1: The first and last points are within the search distance of an existing line. The resulting new line is attached, trimmed, and squared to this line. Copy common points is turned off, so the new line is be closed.
Example 2: The first point is within the search distance. The resulting new line’s first point is attached and trimmed and the line is squared to the “Attach to” line. The Copy common points parameter is ignored since the last point does not return to the “Attach to” line.
Example 3: The first and last points are within the search distance of an existing line. The resulting new line is attached, trimmed and squared to this line. Copy common points is turned , so the new line is closed by copying common points from the “Attach to” line.